What is PLR and how does it work?

PLR stands for Private Label Rights. This means you can buy printables and templates, and rebrand them as your own to sell in your store for your customer who will have personal use rights. You can use them as is or add graphics, text, and backgrounds to make it your style. I basically offer you the foundation for you to build and finish your products.

My store currently offers PLR planners, journals, party printables, and kids' activity pages.

My graphics and patterns are there to help you beautify your PLR products. You can not rebrand my graphics and patterns and sell them as your own. You can, however, use them in the designs of your KDP, POD, and PLR products.

What format are the PLR products?

My planners, kids' activity pages, party printables, and journals are Canva templates. This makes it easy for you to rebrand or add graphics, colors, etc to make it your own. If you don't want to make changes to your template, simply download it as PDF Print and you're done.

You will also find some products that are non-editable PDF files. You can use these as is or rebrand and sell them in your store. You can't modify the existing design, but you can always add more graphics, text, etc. to it.

Do you have an affiliate program?

Yes, I do! You get a 50% commission for every sale. Click here to join my affiliate program.